Dawn says she’s ever thankful for KU Macquarie Fields Director Jackie Staudinger’s smile and caring eyes when she said she’d love to give daughter Hazel (now 10 years old) a place.

What were your first impressions of KU Macquarie Fields?

We lived a five-minute walk away from KU Macquarie Fields, and I’d read many good reviews about them, so when Hazel was three-and-a-half I put her name down. I wasn’t disappointed when she was accepted! From the very start Jackie and the entire team were absolutely lovely and welcoming. As our family grew, I was glad to get a place for Aila as well.

What have been some of the surprising things?

Both my girls were naturally shy and quiet in public. It was wonderful to watch their confidence and belief in themselves growing – it was definitely from being nurtured and encouraged by the amazing KU team.

Their approach to encompassing and including the whole family as part of our children’s learning and development was refreshing. We always played with and alongside our girls and we still do as even as they get older and deal with school situations. Play is an effective way of keeping life in balance.

KU Macquarie Fields met all the curriculum requirements in a preschool setting but did it in a way that was magnificent and relaxed and inclusive of all children and their abilities or difficulties. We also really appreciated the social inclusions and interactions with the local First Nations People to educate the children.

The most surprising thing was how KU became a huge part of our lives – like we were all family. It truly broke all our hearts when we had to say a final farewell when Aila finished preschool in December 2022.

What does their Excellence rating mean to you?

It provides a much-deserved acknowledgment for all that the teachers do and work for in providing a first class, healthy and fun learning environment for children and their families regardless of race, colour, creed, stage of learning or ability.

As a family we have wonderful memories of our times at KU Macquarie Fields, and they deserve the highest praise for all they do.