Posted October 2017

KU Bay Road Kids Care has won the award for ‘Best Children’s Garden’ at the 2017 North Sydney Garden Competition.

The annual competition provides avid gardeners and proud green thumbs the opportunity to showcase their creative gardening flair across a wide range of gardening categories.

“We are so proud to have won this award. We have spent a lot of time and effort on our garden this year and to have our passion and dedication recognised with this award is amazing,” said KU Bay Road Director, Vivian Sorbello.

The children at KU Bay Road developed an interest in gardening after receiving a grant from the Green Schools Grant Program, which provided the service with the support they needed to establish a garden.

“We have all been working closely together over the last few months to help establish and maintain our garden. Children, families and staff have all chipped in by preparing soil, planting seeds, designing attractions and naming the different sections of the garden,” said Vivian.

“We are so proud of all the hard work the children have put into this project and we now have a beautiful garden on display that the children really enjoy looking after.”

Gardens that were nominated for an award were reviewed by an official judge from the Australian Garden Judges Association, with the winners announced at a Gala Awards Night hosted by Costa Georgiadis earlier this month.

For the full list of winners at the 2017 North Sydney Garden Competition visit: